Monday, May 11, 2015

Earthquake in Vancouver

Earthquake in Vancouver

1) There has not been a very huge earthquake in BC since 1700, which was of 8.7-9.2 magnitude. Looking back at the earthquakes in history, swarms of eathquakes predict a larger one only 1 out of 20 times. So 19 out of 20 times, there is no major earthquake to follow. Although this may be true, the people of BC should be prepared for a big one eventually.

2) The simplest plate boundary by BC is a convergence zone called the Cascadia subduction zone. This zone has ruptured several times over history. Much of the force that leads oceanic plates to subduct beneath the North American plate is generated by a ridge system, or divergent zone.

The largest ridge in the Vancouver region is the Juan de Fuca ridge, located between the Mid-Pacific Rise and Juan de Fuca fault.

3a) i. Liquefaction: this can occur in Richmond and Vancouver as well as all the sea-level areas. The ground is softer beneath buildings and other structures, which could cause water-saturated sediments such as sanflooded. lt to turn into a fluid mass.
      ii. Landslides: these could happen in North Vancouver and Vancouver Island where there are loose rocks held up by wire mesh.

      iii. Tsunamis: Victoria would be the biggest concern for tsunamis as it is the furthest into the Pacific Ocean. Many other citys close to the water are at risk as well.

      iv. Flooding: Richmond and other areas at sea level would get flooded. Also cities by the water would get flooded as well due to sea levels rising.

b) i. Social: if any of these disasters were to happen, people's lives would be at risk and there could be several casualties. People whodo survive would have a rough time returning to a normal life because of the destruction of property in their city.

    ii. Economic: destroyed buildings and other structures will cost a ton of money to repair/replace, so Vancouver will be out millions of dollars.

    iii. Infrastructure: it would take a lot of time to repair broken structures as well as make them as nice as they are today. Vancouver would never be the same again after a massive earthquake.

4) The city plans to harden key components of water system in high risk areas, increase seismic resilience of reservoirs and enhance post-earthquake acess to firefighting water supply.

The city will install flexible couplings in main sewage pipes.

Also new buildings are being built with earthquake proof mechanisms that help keep the building upright when an earthquake happens.

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