Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Plate Tectonics In Your Country

Plate Tectonics in Vanuatu

1) Vanuatu is located on the New Hebrides Plate, which is a minor tectonic plate found in the Pacific Ocean. The plate is bounded om the southwest by the Indo-Australian Plate which is subducting below it.

2) The New Hebrides Plate comes into contact with the Indo-Australian Plate (subducting). The New Hebrides Subduction zone is very active and causes around 20 earthquakes over 7.0 annually. The plates come together, so it is a convergent boundary.

3) Many volcanoes have formed due to the subduction of plates, pushing earth upwards to do so.

4) Lots of earthquakes have occurred due to these plates, as stated above. Earthquakes as large as 7.3 have been recorded over the years and they dont plan on stopping.
Volcano eruptions have also happen, although most of them are dormant now.

5) Only minor folding and faulting have occurred because of the New Hebrides Plate.
(There were no pictures to show this)

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