Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Introduction to Weather and Climate

Introduction to Weather and Climate

1) What warms the planet?
The rays from sun is what warms the planet.

2) Referring to this diagram explain why the equatorial regions receive more radiation and therefore are warmer than polar regions.
They receive more direct sunlight then the polar regions, which keeps it warmer.

3) Define Albedo. Which would absorb more radiation a snow coveredmountain or a black roof?
Albedo is the fraction of solar energy reflected from the Earth back into space. A black roof would absorb more heat because of its dark colour.

4) Explain lapse rate.
The lapse rate is the rate at which atmospheric temperature decreases with increase in altitude.

5) Explain Aspect. In the Northern Hemisphere will plants grow better on the north or the south side facing side of a mountain?
Aspect is the compass direction that a slope faces. The south facing side is more prone to sunlight, therefore plants would grow faster on this side.

6) Why do we have seasons?
We have seasons because the Earth is tilted on its side. When the Earth's axis points towards the sun, it is summer for that hemisphere. When the Earth's axis points away, winter can be expected.

7) Which heats up faster: Land or Water?
Land because the heat gets absorbed in the surface, while water takes a long time to heat up due to its different physical properties. Water has to heat all the way through, unlike land.

8) Describe the impact that being far away from water has on the climate of the prairies.
The climate is a lot dryer, causing some types of plants to not be able to grow.

9) Explain the impact of the Gulf Stream on Norway.
The Gulf Stream has strong winds, and keeps away ice and snow, even though Norway is close the the Artic zone.

10) What current runs past BC?
The Alaska current runs past BC.

11) Describe the impact of adding extra carbon dioxide to the atmosphere onthe temperatures of Earth.
Adding more carbon dioxide would cause the Earth to heat up more. This also would advance global warming.

Convection is the collective conserted movement of molecules, either through advection or diffusion (or both together).

13) What is wind?
Wind is the natural movement of air, especially in the form of a current of air blowing in one direction.

14) Explain urban heat islands, and explain why they occur.
Urban heat islands are areas that are significantly hotter than its surrounding areas. This occurs due to human activity.

Monday, February 23, 2015

5 Themes Assignment Part B

5 Themes Assignment Part B


Absolute Location: 17°45′S 168°18′E
Relative Location: In the Pacific Ocean, and is 3619.2km away from Australia.

Human Characteristics: They speak Bislama, French, and English.
                                           Approximately 266,937 people live there.
                                           Most of the people there are Christian.
Physical Characteristics: Coral Sea is on the left side, and the Pacific Ocean is on the right.
                                             Has about 82 relatively small islands of volcanic origin.
                                             Several active volcanoes, as well as some underwater.
                                             Vanuatu is recognised as a distinct terrestrial ecoregion.
                                             Climate is tropical (9 months warm, 3 months cool)

People going to or from Vanuatu can either take a plane, or boat to travel where they need to go. The internet is also available there, as well as phone service. People can communicate that way as well.


The Republic of Vanuatu (previously known as New Hebrides) is an island nation located in the South Pacific. This archipelago is located east of Australia, north-east of New Caledonia, west of Fiji and south of the Solomon Islands

Human-Environment Interaction
In Vanuatu there is mining (which affects the lithoshphere).
Railroads are also a main form of transportation.
Due to the many earthquakes that occur every year, the people living there attempt to adaptto these dire situations.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

5 Themes Assignment Part A

5 Themes Assignment Part A

Human Environment Interaction: Trees
We rely on trees for lumber to build houses and other structures. As well as the oxygen that the trees give us.

Physical Characteristics: Indian Ocean
Oceans are physical characteristics because without humans, they will still exist. The Indian Ocean is no exception.

Movement: Planes, Trains, and Automobiles
Humans use these forms (also many more) to move around their city, country, and even the world.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Vanuatu and the 4 Spheres

Vanuatu and the 4 Spheres
     Vanuatu is very prone to earthquakes with several per year, most of them can be 6.0 magnitude or higher. Seven earthquakes were recorded in 2011, all at around 6.0 magnitude. It also has many active volcanoes, above sea level and below. In November 2008, there was a volcano eruption below sea level at 6.4 magnitude, thankfully with no casualties. Many upland watersheds are being deforested and degrated, and fresh water is becoming scarce. Proper waste disposal is also affecting their water and air, polluting it.
(Sorry there wasn't one huge event to cover)

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Vanuatu Introduction

Capital City is Port Vila, and the total area of the island is 12,190km squared.
In July 2014 there was an estimate of 266,937 people living in Vanuatu. In a 2009 census, there was an approximate number of 243,304 people.
The type of government that they have is a Unitary Parlimentary republic.